White Paper

Picking Up Where SBOMs Leave Off – Best Practice Guide to Securing Software Supply Chains

SBOMs alone are not enough. You need to know where and how your business will be affected.

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Picking Up Where SBOMs Leave Off – Best Practice Guide to Securing Software Supply Chains

SBOMs are critical for securing software supply chains, and they are fast becoming an industry standard.

However, SBOMs alone are not enough. You can use an SBOM to find out if a vulnerable open-source library is being used in a piece of software. But The SBOM doesn't tell you anything about the nature of the service, the affected product, or the team that has to be informed to remove the vulnerability.

The best way to discover and view this critical information is to connect the SBOM to a comprehensive service catalog. This in-depth whitepaper reveals how this strategy enables you to:

  • Understand SBOM data in context
  • Know within minutes where to find all vulnerabilities across your organization
  • Map your software libraries to all services and applications to determine how business could be affected
  • Use your mapped catalog to prioritize remediation efforts