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Protect Your Organization From Technology Obsolescence Risk

Chart A Course Out Of Technological Obsolescence To Discover A New Landscape Of Tech Innovation

Protect Your Organization From Technology Obsolescence Risk

Gen Z will account for 58% of the workforce by 2030, and the tech-savvy younger generation expect a better standard of workplace tools. Gone are the days when your key talent will accept working with temperamental printers and software that runs in Windows 3.1.

Certainly, regulators won't tolerate the excess carbon emissions put out by obsolete technology. Nor will your leadership team be happy about the security risks that come with an excess of technical debt.

Become a pioneer, leading your organization out of technological obsolescence and into a truly innovative future. Follow the steps in this IT risk management decision tree to find the tools you need to remove 30% of the obsolete technology from your IT landscape within just six months.

Download now to benchmark your readiness for technology obsolescence risk management.