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Jedes Unternehmen nutzt Applikationen. Um auch langfristig erfolgreich zu sein, müssen Unternehmen ihr Applikationsportfolio optimieren und es den betrieblichen und finanziellen Anforderungen anpassen. Mit einer kontinuierlichen Applikationsrationalisierung können Sie Ihre Applikationsausgaben problemlos optimieren, anfallende Kosten kontrollieren und zur Agilität Ihres Unternehmens beitragen. Dafür braucht es jedoch einen umfassenden Einblick in Ihr Applikationsportfolio – besonders was die Datenqualität, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und die Time-to-Value anbelangt.
Kosteneinsparungen dank SAP LeanIX
aller redundanter Apps innerhalb von 6 Monaten entfernt
zusätzliche Supportkosten eingespart
“Der erste Schritt bei der Optimierung des Applikationsportfolios besteht darin, alle Applikationen in der Landschaft zu erfassen.”
“Heutzutage weiß jede Führungskraft im Unternehmen, welche Applikationen rationalisiert werden müssen oder als Kandidaten für eine Cloud- Modernisierung in Frage kommen.”
Chandra Venkat Associate Director Enterprise Architecture, Carrier
Überzeugen Sie sich selbst und erfahren Sie von Ihren Branchenkollegen, wie sie von SAP LeanIX für die Bewertung ihrer Applikationsportfolios profitieren.
"User friendly, collaborative EA Tool Simple data model, easy for anyone to flow, Crowd-sourcing capability using surveys"
"Great tool, focusing on impact, evolving rapidly. Modern and ergonomic UI, great standard integrations, constantly getting better and expanding features. Easy to understand and to explain Data Model ready for use. Focused approached on outcome and reports. LeanIX company culture is open, modern, agile. This is a really good partner with good influence, especially for us as a public company."
"Flexibility Configurability Simplicity Flexible to use its components *factsheets for a variety of purposes. Highly cofigurable to accomodate needs. Simple to intuitive to use. A tool not just for architects, but for a broader technical and even functional (business arch) community."
"User friendly and best in class EA tool Very easy to use, very user friendly and a great and easy UI. Enables collaboration with many users of different backgrounds. The provided services like Reference Catalogues are very valuable. Customer Success Managers are great!"
"One of the most worthful applications we introduced in my former company It creates the transparency over IT landscape that we did not had before and to speed up decision making"
"Great Usability. Open Integration. Good company and continuous improvement of the product. The lean UI and intuitive usage. Lots of integration and Report functions. Active Community and feedback driven development of the product."
"I'm using LeanIX more years in two different companies. It is very easy to use. The onboarding works very well and is super fast."
"Maturing from application inventory to application management is significantly easier with LeanIX Best practices metamodel to serve as a starting point for our implementation and the success managers"
"Collaborative EAM with fast time-to-benefit One thing that stands out is the fast implementation timeline. As you can start with a minimal set of required data, you can get started with EAM in LeanIX very easily and extend the data in the tool as your use cases progress."
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Herausforderungen bei der Optimierung der IT-Kosten 2023.