A Gathering of Transformation Leaders

Posted by Natalie Pratt on July 8, 2022

Companies today find themselves in a state of continuous transformation. They migrate systems to the cloud. They develop new products, adopt new business models, and enter new markets. They merge with and acquire other companies. They grow.

These transformations never stop and there are a lot of passengers accompanying the drivers of this journey.

It’s the people involved in transformation who are key to its success, which is why we offer a platform to enable people to share stories and learn from each other: LeanIX Connect!

Innovation for the always-on enterprise

LeanIX Connect is a series of events hosted by LeanIX, which investigate how the always-on enterprise keeps innovating and transforming to stay ahead of the competition.

We call it Continuous Transformation.

On May 12, 2022, it was the UK’s turn to Connect. We invited our 60-strong UK and Ireland customer base, along with innovative Enterprise Architects, C-level executives and transformation leaders from across the region.

We hosted the event at The National Museum of Computing, where our guests got a tour of technological transformation over the last 80 years – from the computers of the 1940s through to the large systems and mainframes of the 50, 60s and 70s, and to the rise of personal, mobile computing and the internet.

These advancements in technology have transformed business, the enterprise, and the culture a large, creating new opportunities as well as a range of new challenges.

Attendees wanted to learn more about addressing the challenges posed by transformation within enterprise, and that’s what they got at Connect UK.

How do companies manage transformation?

The London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) – a LeanIX customer – were first on stage to talk about their Data-Driven Approach to Enterprise Architecture. The world’s oldest working digital computer served as the backdrop.

LSEG described their journey from “complexity” to “clarity,” showing how they use the LeanIX platform to support focus and clarity in the business with data-rich insight. As a result, LSEG can better navigate and make data-informed decisions regarding the transformation of their IT landscape.


LSEG has seen the power of showing the organization the state of play based on actual data. This kind of transparency and collaboration enables anyone in the business to identify opportunities for innovation and organizational improvement.

As Andrew Stoker from LSEG said, “If you don’t have clarity and focus about the make-up of your business and technologies, you won’t know where the best innovation ideas can be targeted to bring the greatest value.”

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) shared a similar story. The pandemic, of course, intensified the need for transformation in the agency. They suddenly needed to spin up services and applications handling an unprecedented amount of data, putting incredible strain on existing infrastructure.

Certified Partner CloudKubed showed UKHSA how LeanIX could help to visualize their IT landscape, making it easier for everyone to see what had to change and what was changing – giving UKHSA better clarity and control.

As Becky Pettifer from UKHSA said, “LeanIX and CloudKubed gave us a level of intelligence that we didn’t have before. It enabled us to understand how our services were being used and which ones were critical, which in turn meant we could build an operational model that ensured appropriate product management of our services. We felt in control and confident about the future!”

These stories clearly demonstrated how technology helps organizations feel more in control. Our keynote speaker, however, digital transformation expert, Warren Knight, reminded us of the central role played by people and conversations in any transformation journey.

His “Know, Show, Grow” model highlighted the value of a data-driven approach to transformation. Warren also emphasized how customer centricity in change initiatives is key to both success and competitive advantage. Watch his keynote >>

Engaging conversations and hope for the future

Attendees had many opportunities throughout the day to network with like-minded peers, and at the end of the day they got a tour of the museum so they could learn more about the fascinating machines that surrounded them.


While attendees were united in their belief that the museum served as an ideal location for this event, they were even more excited about the opportunity to hear from practitioners about their actual experience. We are extremely grateful for our customers’ willingness to present here and at other LeanIX Connect events!

Continuous Transformation is something we all face - even in our personal lives - and the importance of conversations and communication with others remain key to the journey. The experiences of others guide and influence the road we take. Hopefully, with decisions based on data and shared insight, we can all take the road to success!

The goal of LeanIX Connect is to enable, promote and drive these conversations, bringing people with shared interest in and commitment to transformation to discover, share and grow.

I’m very much looking forward to our LeanIX Connect Summit in Berlin on September 20th and 21st where we’ll be bringing even more people together across Europe! Hope to see you there!



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