Customer Success at LeanIX

Posted by Lesa Moné on January 11, 2018


Customers of different industries and sizes trust in LeanIX. What they love most about the tool are the quick setup, meaningful reports, value-oriented features, and the dedicated customer success initiative.

Quick set-up

We have developed the tool to support enterprises of all sizes with best practices to roll out on the first day. These best practices work with almost all 100 of our customers, from adidas to Zalando.  As customizations can get costly and take their time for implementation, it is imperative to choose a tool that solves as many of your needs before requiring a custom solution.


Meaningful reports

A large multinational customer had a situation where they had a solution in place that they already used for a year and didn’t get analysis or results that helped them taking better it decisions. The same company signed up with the LeanIX tool, and a week later, they were able to produce their first decision-supporting reports. LeanIX quickly won their trust, and it kicked off started a great relationship.


Value-oriented features

LeanIX has successfully on-boarded 100 companies. In the occasion that our clients request features that are relevant for more customers, we take that very seriously and enhance our product. For example, a large multinational company decided that they wanted a closer look at their technology risk level. Instead of rating an application “high risk” or “no risk,” the client desired to have a deeper view and evaluate the risk level of each IT component of an application. This view would enhance their capability of gauging the severity of technology risk, which allows for more in-depth analysis, and stronger information for data-driven decisions.


Customer Success

Having a Customer Success organization is quite common with SaaS companies, but as LeanIX is a true SaaS company in the Enterprise Architecture Management field, having a Customer Success team to help with EAM specific needs is a real value-driver. There are no account managers at LeanIX; our CS team's purpose is to ensure that our customers are successful with the tool and generate value from the use of the tool.  As the tool is set up intuitively, clients can get started and working in record time. Clients have access to a broad knowledge base portal, where they can read about updates, explore new features, and find answers to their questions. The LeanIX LinkedIn group gives clients a place to chat with each other, learning how other clients in different industries are utilizing the tool. The LinkedIn group also serves as a platform for clients to ask questions to developers and receive direct answers. Having many outlets to address features and bugs, the CS team can focus on use cases, developing customer KPIs, and engaging in value-oriented discussions with the customer.


EA Connect Day

LeanIX held the 4th annual EA Connect Day in November at adidas global headquarters in Bavaria.  More than 230 participants traveled here to network with other IT managers, Enterprise Architects, and DevOps experts at the most prestigious EA event in Europe. EA Connect Day is the perfect place to meet other industry giants, LeanIX users, and hear about product updates. Outside of providing first-class Customer Success initiative, LeanIX is working hard to create a thriving community of Enterprise Architects across the world.

Business can be complex enough. Choose an EAM tool that is set up for easy usage, quick results, optional customizations, and a helpful Customer success team. LeanIX takes into consideration what really creates value for our customers, and we are dedicated to developing our product to suit the needs of all clients in the EAM field.

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