Gartner Acknowledges LeanIX for Lean, SaaS EA Tool

Posted by Ruth Reinicke on January 19, 2016


The latest Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture Tools report by analysts Gartner included leanIX as an out-of-the-box, affordable, cloud-based EA tool especially suitable for midsize and smaller organizations.

Jörg G. Beyer, Managing Director of LeanIX, commented on the inclusion of leanIX in the report, “Of course we are very pleased and proud that leanIX was included in the report. Gartner recognizes that leanIX is a valid choice for organizations to manage their IT portfolio.

“Whilst Gartner mentions the suitability of leanIX for midsize and smaller organizations, we also have a number of large and very large clients that are using leanIX with great success for their business. Its out-of-the-box approach and extremely easy implementation as well as scalable pricing model makes it a perfect EA tool for companies of all sizes.”

Gartner emphasises the need for EA tools to meet the challenges of Digital Transformation: “Many leading organizations addressing digital business will need EA tools for managing the complexity of ecosystem modeling, especially of outside-out architecture. They will also need them for analysis and decision support related to changes to business and operating models, which will lead to rapid and continuous changes in the technology stack.”

Follow us on LinkedInThe Gartner analysts reported an overall trend of an increase of the importance of EA tools in correlation with the digital revolution. As digitization gathers speed, out-of-the-box and agile solutions such as leanIX can support quick-start options that will deliver value from the start.

If you want to find out more how leanIX can support your business for a successful digitization process, please contact us. To experience LeanIX for yourself, PLEASE REQUEST A FREE DEMO!

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