Take the holistic approach

5 Critical Steps to Change Management in ERP Transformation

With enterprise architecture (EA), you can manage change before it manages you.

Step One

Identify and Engage Stakeholders

When undergoing an ERP transformation, you must know who will be impacted and how. You must also enlist the support of those who will have to implement 
and manage the transformation.

Have you mapped all dependencies in your IT landscape so you can see what systems the transformation will impact?

Do you have an inventory of systems linked to specific business owners and user groups?

Do you know the person or persons on each team who will be implementing and managing the transformation?

If you answered "no" to any of the above, you might find it challenging to navigate the disruptions to systems, processes, and workflows that inevitably come with large-scale transformations.

Step Two

Articulate the Vision

People will only embrace change if it makes sense. That’s why articulating the vision for change is so critical. Spelling out the reasons for the change, particularly the benefits it will bring, makes it easier for people to get on board and do their part.

Adopting new systems, processes and workflows can be disruptive.

The stakeholders you have identified should be able to help craft the vision and communicate it up and down the line.

Questions for your stakeholders:

What are the
specific implications
of the transformation
for our team?

What challenges
does our team
currently face with
our existing IT?

How will the
address those

What does
our team need to
succeed in our part of
the transformation?


Form Cross-Functional Teams

Since your ERP transformation will impact people across the organization, 
you will want to hear perspectives from across the organization. The best way 
to do that is to form cross-functional teams. 

Cross-functional teams will help break down silos, creating the alignment required for a smooth transformation and ensuring that all voices are heard in the planning and execution of the project.

Implement Enablement Programs

Implementing a new ERP or any other major software system means that people will have to do things differently. In order for that to succeed, you need to support them with enablement programs.

Enablement is not a one-and-done sort of thing. People will need ongoing support until the new way becomes “the” way.

Learn how implementing enablement programs can help your transformation journey:


Equip users with the skills and knowledge to navigate the new system.


Provide on-demand access to training materials, user guides, FAQs, and best practices.

Help Desks

Offer personalized assistance to users facing challenges with the new system.


Celebrate and Communicate Milestones

Large-scale technology transformations take time and effort. Celebrating important milestones along the way can help keep everyone motivated. It can also be a great way to show your appreciation for everyone’s support throughout the process.

A clear, actionable transformation roadmap will let you know what those critical milestones are and when you’ve achieved them.


Insight, Communication, Engagement: How EA Supports Change Management

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