LeanIX Platform Powers Up Data Governance With Collibra

Posted by Neil Sheppard on May 9, 2023
LeanIX Platform Powers Up Data Governance With Collibra

LeanIX is delighted to announce that we've formed a partnership with Collibra, the data intelligence company. The partnership, announced today at the LeanIX Connect event, allows Collibra's data modernization resources to be integrated into the LeanIX platform.

May 9 saw the opening of our 2023 Connect event as hundreds of attendees joined us in Frankfurt or virtually to connect and share enterprise architecture best practice. Among the announcements coming out of the event, the first was our new integration with Collibra.

This integration will allow LeanIX users to empower their enterprise architecture with reliable data sourced from Collibra. This enables enterprise architects to make data-driven decisions.

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Collibra Partners With LeanIX To Empower Data

The integration of the Collibra Enterprise Data Catalog (EDC) with the LeanIX Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) platform brings key functionality for our users. The Collibra EDC offers a comprehensive overview of all the data assets and metadata in your organization, empowering you to find, define, govern, and manage data.

This integration empowers you with the following capabilities:

  • Synchronize the conceptual data layer from the Collibra EDC to LeanIX EAM data objects Fact Sheets
  • Mirror names, data hierarchies, categories, descriptions, and relations between data assets to enable an analysis of usage and management down to the application level
  • Map responsible owners from Collibra data assets to Subscriptions in LeanIX
  • Reflect application Fact Sheets from LeanIX EAM to Technology Assets in the Collibra EDC

The Collibra integration is now available to all users of the LeanIX EAM. This enhances the LeanIX EAM data governance capability, so let's explore why this area is so important for enterprise architects.

Why Is Data Governance With Collibra Vital To LeanIX Users?

Data is the most important asset any organization has. Yet, the often-repeated mantra that 'data is the new oil', doesn't go far enough.

As Gartner explained:

"CIOs need to go beyond thinking and talking about information as the new oil. Information has unique economic characteristics that render it potentially much more valuable to their business than any fossil fuel."

Douglas Laney, Vice President, Gartner

The world has not only changed, but is continuing to change at an increasing pace. Past experience is no longer sufficient to predict the outcomes of initiatives and overall strategy.

To safely navigate an organization through turbulent times, it's crucial for decision-makers to understand the current state of their organization and the market, as well as the trends and patterns that suggest the correct future course. To do that, they need accurate, real-time data.

Properly harnessing data empowers organizations with better decision-making, improved operational support, and reduced risk. Yet, managing your organization's data brings its own challenges.

Increasing regulatory concerns over the use of data have brought tighter scrutiny to the methods by which data is acquired and utilized. Data governance regarding both data lineage and data management has become paramount, as regulators call for assurances regarding where data has come from and where it's going.

This is why data governance has become such a key topic. Collibra, however, believes that data governance is just the foundational underpinning of true data intelligence.

Data Governance Powers Data Intelligence

Getting on top of your data governance unlocks a variety of other capabilities that empower your strategic decision-making, including:

  • data quality
  • data consistency
  • data accountability

These capabilities serve to make your data more reliable, so you can rest assured you're making data-driven decisions based upon accurate intelligence. Your data also needs to be readily accessible everywhere it's needed, if you're to begin taking full advantage of it.

This means ensuring that your data is:

  • taken from accurate and permissible sources
  • used for the purposes it is intended for
  • secured throughout the workflow
  • delivered to everywhere it's needed throughout your organization
  • deleted when required

Having all this in place means your data will not just be governed correctly, but will become smart, turning into the life blood of your organization. This is true data intelligence, which will empower accurate decision-making.

One of the key areas that can benefit from data intelligence is enterprise architecture. This is why we've chosen to incorporate the Collibra Enterprise Data Catalog (EDC) into the LeanIX Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) platform.

Collibra Empowers The LeanIX EAM

Data intelligence guides and communicates a consistent format for the data flowing through your organization. To remain unimpeded, it must have a proper channel to flow through your enterprise architecture, like water flowing through a city viaduct.

This requires a collaboration between enterprise architecture and data intelligence. Leveraging the Collibra Enterprise Data Catalog (EDC)'s integration into the LeanIX Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) platform, users can ensure alignment between data intelligence and enterprise architecture.

The benefits the integration offers to LeanIX users include:

  • data governance by ensuring that enterprise architecture is aligned
  • increased transparency by illustrating where data is mastered and how it flows through the IT landscape
  • full visibility into data ownership and accountability through automated mapping
  • data accessibility by eliminating data silos and leveraging data across the enterprise

Leveraging these new capabilities will empower enterprise architects using the LeanIX EAM with reliable data to utilize and also to align with. This will ensure your enterprise architecture is supporting your data to drive strategic decision-making for the business.

Power Your Decision-Making With LeanIX and Collibra

Our new Collibra integration is now available within the LeanIX Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) platform. Existing LeanIX customers can access the Collibra integration now.

If you aren't currently a LeanIX customer and you'd like to know more about our EAM, book a demo today:

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