May 31, 2017

LeanIX introduces new product version with Facebook GraphQL technology

Bonn/Orlando, May 31 - The start-up company based in Bonn, Germany, has based their new product version “Pathfinder” on graph technologies created by Facebook to set a new standard in the modern management of IT architectures. The new version is being exclusively presented at the industry's leading US event, the Gartner Enterprise Architecture and Technology Innovation Summit in Orlando from May 31 to June 1.

LeanIX is used worldwide by more than 80 customers from a wide range of industries including well-known companies such as Adidas, DHL, Merck, Vodafone and Haworth. Customer feedback over the last 24 months has been incorporated into the development of LeanIX 4.0 “Pathfinder”. This product release brings three key enhancements: Easier usability for processing large amounts of data, full customization of the data model, and significant performance improvements. “We have seen enterprise architecture emerge from the shadows to become a cornerstone of digital transformation. We have invested heavily to give our customers a tool that will help them to successfully move forward in digitization,” says founder and Co-CEO André Christ.

“You can’t build your IT architecture today with yesterday’s tools and stay in business tomorrow,” is the motto at LeanIX. While numerous tools in the EAM market allow for a high degree of data model adaptation, this adaptability often compromises the usability and the integration potential. The new version 4.0 enables the complete customization of the data model and, at the same time, developers will find it easy to integrate into existing IT landscapes thanks to the strongly typed API. “With GraphQL, a technology developed by Facebook and now used by GitHub, among others, we have found the ideal technology to provide our customers with high-performance, graph-based access to their data,” says André Christ. LeanIX is also committed to continuity in all of their innovations: The familiar, modern LeanIX user interface is significantly faster in the new version, although its look and feel remains almost unchanged. This makes migration to the new version extremely quick and easy, and all existing customers will benefit from this free of charge over the coming months thanks to Software as a Service.

With the new product features, LeanIX perfectly supports this year's motto of the Gartner Summit:  “Mastering Digital Business Platform Complexity”. LeanIX 4.0 “Pathfinder” makes it quick and easy to analyze greater amounts of information about your company's IT architecture. This is particularly relevant to the management of microservice architectures. For many organizations, the move away from a monolithic to a microservice architecture promises significant improvements in the speed and agility of IT. While over 70% of the respondents to a LeanIX study[1] are planning this step in 2017, LeanIX has already completed this transformation with its own product, which makes the company an ideal sparring partner for customers on their way to a modern IT architecture.

About LeanIX

LeanIX helps companies become digital champions in their industry. With the SaaS-based information hub, companies make better and faster decisions on how to constantly reinvent their IT architecture. LeanIX establishes the 360-degree transparency needed to reduce IT complexity in the IT landscape, ensures compliance and enables growth through adopting state-of-the-art technology. At the core of the Enterprise Architecture Management solution is an intelligent IT inventory that makes up-to-date information of the IT landscape easily accessible for all relevant staff. More than 80 leading brands such as Adidas, Merck or Zalando trust LeanIX and its innovative solution.  LeanIX was founded in 2012 by Jörg G. Beyer and André Christ. The company headquarters is in Bonn, Germany with a subsidiary in the USA. A wide network of partners provides support in Europe, Australia and America. For further information, please

About the Gartner Enterprise Architecture and Technology Innovation Summit

Gartner Enterprise Architecture and Technology Innovation Summit discusses the major technology trends influencing enterprise architecture (EA) and digital innovation. Digital is transforming every part of an organization and EA is no exception. Digital business platforms are emerging as the approach to digital innovation combining five interdependent elements: ecosystem, customers, things, IT systems, and intelligence. EA and technology innovation leaders are at the forefront of these efforts, providing the skills and competencies needed to support innovation and master the complexities of new digital business platforms.