January 23, 2018

LeanIX Launches Flexible Dashboards to Drive Efficiency and Organized Data Management

New dashboard functionality leverages advanced algorithms to improve risk management and support success in GDPR compliance

Bonn/Boston, MA --  January 23, 2018 - LeanIX, the leading global provider of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions in Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM), today announced the launch of flexible dashboards, helping organizations better turn data stored in EA inventories into actionable insights. The new, user-friendly functionality gives LeanIX users fast, easy access to new and pending actions and information, simplifying workflows and creating more efficient processes and robust action plans for organizations of all sizes.

Often resorting to outdated and antiquated tools like spreadsheets and complicated EA repositories, most organizations lack an efficient solution for organizing and managing data. Using algorithmic analytics, the new, flexible dashboards streamline thousands of data points to actions, and provide tailored, real-time information for a more efficient and improved user experience.

Administrators in LeanIX can now simply drag and drop panels to easily configure customized dashboards for their users, with features including:

  • Todos - Suggests action items for individual users. Open tasks also include surveys, for specific use cases, such as assessment of compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ahead of May 2018 deadline.

  • Individual reminders - Allows all users to set reminders and due dates for upcoming and incomplete activities, e.g. to update or replace an end of life technology.

  • Fact Sheet charts - Fully configurable charts provide visual distributions of all Fact Sheets in the inventory. Users can easily apply filters for specific use cases, such as to track business risk of applications not compliant with GDPR. 


“Today’s organizations often face information overload, struggling to manage massive amounts of data and turn it into meaningful action,” said André Christ, Co-CEO of LeanIX. “Our latest investment in a continued effort to drive efficiency and innovation across organizations, the LeanIX flexible dashboards help solve this massive challenge by empowering users to quickly find, make sense of and act on mission critical information.”

The flexible dashboards are the latest example of LeanIX’s continued investment in user-driven innovation, with additional platform enhancements -- based on algorithmic data and user behavior learnings -- planned throughout 2018. Flexible dashboards are  immediately available to LeanIX customers. Customers who are interested in more information about the new functionalities can contact their Customer Success Manager at The functionality is also available for all trial and proof of concept phases, with more information available by contacting


About LeanIX

LeanIX offers a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform for Enterprise Architecture (EA), enabling organizations to make faster, data-driven decisions. Hundreds of global brands such as Adidas, DHL, Merck, Vodafone or Zalando use the LeanIX platform to increase transparency and visibility and drive real-time efficiencies. LeanIX addresses IT’s critical need to ensure high quality, real-time data is accessible to the people who need it. Use cases include application rationalization, technology risk management and the shift from monolithic architectures to microservices. LeanIX was founded in 2012 by Jörg Beyer and André Christ. The company's headquarter is in Bonn, Germany, with offices in Boston, Massachusetts and Houston, Texas.

To learn more about LeanIX, visit or @leanix_net on Twitter.