January 9, 2023

LeanIX to focus on expanding product development in Europe

Company is closing LeanIX India subsidiary and further increases open positions for European developer teams

Bonn, January 9, 2023. LeanIX has decided to close its office in Hyderabad, India, on April 30, 2023, and instead create additional positions in Europe to the already planned expansion of its product development staff at its Bonn and Ljubljana locations or remotely. The software company, headquartered in Bonn, Germany, announced this strategic business decision today after informing all India employees in person. With this relocation to Europe, LeanIX will achieve smoother and faster processes in product development based on closer collaboration between teams within one time zone and address the data protection restrictions in India by the European Union. LeanIX CEO André Christ explicitly emphasizes the excellent work of the teams in Hyderabad over the last three years. The 30 colleagues affected will receive extensive support from LeanIX for their career transition and Ex-Gratia payments that go beyond legally required standards.

"We deeply regret this withdrawal from India," says LeanIX CEO André Christ. "With our ambitious development roadmap, we've determined that we need deeper integration of the developer teams able to operate more effectively together within a single time zone. In addition, we are no longer hindered by regional data privacy limitations in India due to the EU. We did not make this decision lightly. However, it is necessary to achieve the accelerated development of LeanIX's product portfolio."

Since the company was founded in 2012, LeanIX has recorded continuous growth and is on its way to reaching the next revenue target of $100 million by the end of 2023. To achieve this, the company will invest more aggressively in product development to drive strategic Enterprise Architecture Management product topics like creating Business Capabilities catalogues. The services currently running in Hyderabad, including the catalogue for software and hardware lifecycles and SaaS applications, will continue to be provided from India until the end of April. In parallel, LeanIX is building corresponding development capacity with 30 new positions in Europe to ensure continuity and the roadmap development for these capabilities. We expect a seamless transition for the company's more than 950 customers.

LeanIX will expand its product development staff in Europe and continue to hire worldwide through 2023. This creates opportunities for the existing team in India, as Christ explains: "Of course, we will offer positions in Europe and the United States for our Indian employees who are open to relocation based on their qualifications. Overall, we see good opportunities to fill the vacancies quickly. Due to the numerous restructurings in the tech industry, many highly skilled professionals worldwide are looking for companies with attractive products and a sustainable business model, which balances growth and investment - like LeanIX."

About LeanIX

LeanIX's Continuous Transformation Platform® is trusted by Corporate IT and Product IT to achieve comprehensive visibility and superior governance. Global customers organize, plan and manage IT landscapes with LeanIX's automated and data-driven approach. Offering Enterprise Architecture, SaaS Management, and Value Stream Management, LeanIX helps organizations make sound decisions and accelerate transformation journeys. LeanIX has hundreds of customers globally, including Adidas, Atlassian, Bosch, Dropbox, Santander and Workday. The company is headquartered in Bonn, Germany, with subsidiaries in the United States (Boston), Netherlands (Amsterdam) and Slovenia (Ljubljana) and other offices around the world.