Sue Bergamo: The Shift to "The Cloud" in 2020

Posted by Diana Hwang on August 13, 2020

Sue Bergamo_Podcast_Headline_EP3

Sue Bergamo, Chief Information Officer and Chief Information Security Officer at Episerver joins Unleash IT podcast host, Claudine Bianchi, to discuss the role of the CIO/CISO in a COVID-riddled operations environment. Their conversation ranges from cloud adoption, impactful IT trends, and what her C-Suite peers should do to invite a stronger partnership with IT to everyone’s benefit company wide.

Sue represents not only the strength and stature of women in tech today, but personifies the emergence of C-level IT leaders from “geeks behind the scenes” to business strategists and influencers at the table.

Whether you were ahead of the pack with a fully fleshed out business continuity plan or are still playing catch up, this interview will leave you armed with valuable IT and marketing leadership insights.

In Episode 3, you'll hear about: 

  • How CIOs and CISOs can successfully collaborate with the rest of the C-suite business continuity planning: Are you playing catch up?
  • What you need to think about about the cloud and security. 
  • Challenges for women in the CIO space. 
  • Industry trends surrounding IoT and machine learning. 

Here are some sneak peeks from the podcast: 

"Customers still to this day, even though the cloud has been prevalent out there for many, many years, still believe that they don't have to secure their pieces of it. That if you go to a cloud vendor, everything's all set."

"A good CIO isn't running around with their hair on fire, just like a good CISO isn't running around because they're getting breached every other month."

"Your application vendor is going to have a good solid foundation of security, but if you put anything on top of that, you still have to secure it."

-- Sue Bergamo, CIO, Episerver

Listen to the full episode or download it to your favorite player. If you like what you hear, share the podcast on your social networks!


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