September 22, 2022

LeanIX Connect Summit Europe 2022: The future of business is defined in organizations’ ability to change

IT industry leaders see continuous transformation as both a challenge and a key to business success

Berlin/Bonn, September 22, 2022 – Today, organizations are facing profound changes on many levels - technological, economic, political and social. And it’s not just the number of these changes that are adjusting, but also their frequency is increasing at a high rate. The speakers and guests at the best-in-class international LeanIX Connect Summit in Berlin, which took place September 20-21, 2022 agree: Companies must make dealing with change a core business priority in order to ensure future success. IT teams can create the conditions for this by using high quality and comprehensive data and solutions that enable collaboration between stakeholders within the company.

Keynote André Christ: LeanIX Connect Summit Europe 2022

Following Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution, in the 1960s, economics professor Leon C. Megginson stated that the following also applies to companies, “It is not necessarily the strongest or smartest that survives, but rather the one that can best adapt to changing circumstances.”

LeanIX CEO, André Christ, takes this one step further, pointing out the active role that companies should play: "External influences are impacting businesses daily, and organizations are experiencing permanent and inevitable change. However, it is important for these organizations to shape this change. To stay ahead of the competition, companies must set disruptive impulses themselves, generate meaningful change and bring new innovations into the world. Continuous transformation means both constant adaptation and innovation. If companies want to hold their own and make a difference, they have to change the way they change."

IT managers must set the right course

Adapting to change and anticipating future disruption requires a high degree of agility. In addition to speed, a strategic and methodical approach to transformation is important to improve business responsiveness and enable innovation. There are two prerequisites for this: a high-quality database detailing the software landscape and responsibilities that can be identified and updated with as little manual effort as possible and the ability for all stakeholders to have access to this information to establish a common language between business and IT teams. Only with the democratization of data can collaboration and agility be promoted within the business.

So what does IT need to accomplish these tasks? The requirements for a software solution that enables the continuous transformation of corporate and product IT are clear – it should use automated processes to reduce manual tasks. Complex information must be able to be captured with all its interdependencies and at the same time be easily accessible and usable in an aggregated form.

LeanIX continues to expand its Continuous Transformation Platform®.

With SaaS solutions for Enterprise Architecture Management, SaaS Management and Value Stream Management, LeanIX supports companies in organizing, controlling and developing their software landscapes. At the LeanIX Connect Summit Europe 2022, the company introduced three new features to optimally support IT in current and future challenges.

Import API for SaaS Discovery

LeanIX's SaaS Management Platform (SMP) enables an automated capture of existing SaaS applications in the enterprise with a variety of out-of-the-box integrations to financial, SSO and CASB systems. As organizations continue to grow and adopt systems and applications with additional data, LeanIX is launching a new Import API, which allows businesses to include all systems in the automated detection of SaaS applications. This API provides customers with an open endpoint to quickly and easily import additional data from any number of systems into LeanIX SMP.

Rollup in heatmap reports

In large organizations, heatmap reports detailing the software landscape can become so large that the information that is presented can be difficult to grasp. With the new Rollup view, LeanIX offers users of its Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) solution the ability to quickly map data in an aggregated format. With just two clicks, a quantitative overview can be generated, providing comprehensive insight and analysis that allows users to drill down into more in-depth details, as needed. The new feature simplifies the creation of comprehensive reports and significantly reduces preparation time for management and board presentations.

New Automations triggers and conditions

Within the last couple of months LeanIX introduced rule-based no-code automations in its EAM solution, making it possible to further improve data completeness and stakeholder accountability for data maintenance in the EA repository. All automations follow the same simple pattern: actions are triggered automatically by defining certain triggers and conditions. Simply put, the automation function makes it easier to ensure the data quality of new or changed entries, define action items or notify data owners. This accelerates value creation, reduces time-consuming manual tasks and promotes collaboration between the business and IT team.

Keynotes and case studies from LeanIX Connect Summit Europe 2022:
Recordings available free of charge at

About LeanIX

LeanIX's Continuous Transformation Platform® is trusted by Corporate IT and Product IT to achieve comprehensive visibility and superior governance. Global customers organize, plan and manage IT landscapes with LeanIX's automated and data-driven approach. Offering Enterprise Architecture, SaaS Management, and Value Stream Management, LeanIX helps organizations make sound decisions and accelerate transformation journeys. LeanIX has hundreds of customers globally, including Adidas, Atlassian, Bosch, Dropbox, Santander and Workday. The company is headquartered in Bonn, Germany, with offices in Boston and around the world.